Genetics of Obesity

Genetics of Obesity

Genetics plays an important role in obesity. In Bardet-Biedl Syndrome and Prader- Willi syndrome, genes can directly cause obesity.  The familiar resemblance in obesity phenotypes is affected not only by genetic factors but also by the environmental factors associated with the lifestyle and the culture. Body Mass Index (BMI) is most frequently studied a measure of fatness. Heritability of trait can be estimated by modeling interfamilial correlations for different types of relatives. Polymorphisms in various genes governing appetite and metabolism predispose to obesity under certain dietary conditions. The percentage of obesity that can be attributed to genetics varies widely, depending on the population examined, from 6% - 85%. As of 2006 when a favorable environment is present, more than 41 sites on the human genome have been linked to the development of obesity. The involvement of genetic factors in the development of obesity is estimated to be 40–70%.  By attending the Genetics of obesity session you will learn the recent advancements in understanding the heredity and management of obesity is feasible.

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